Saturday, March 19, 2011

To our followers on Facebook!

I have discovered that most of our visitors are actually reading our blog entries on Winona's Facebook site, because we have linked the blog to her site... as a result, your comments are not actually showing up on the blog... only on HER facebook!! Also, your visits are not being counted as visits to the blog, and I REALLY want to see your dot on my Map. We'd like to invite you all, to actually visit the blog at:

and please, leave a comment there.


  1. sorry dad, you may be out of luck. as someone who works in the "industry" i can tell you that facebook comments are far out-pacing blog comments, simply because of the ease of it. not only that, but there are individuals who use blog readers (such as myself), and those visits don't actually show up on your blog either, unless they click through to the original link (which i only do if i'm going to make a comment). anyway, you may be trying to swim up-stream with this hope. :)

    but regardless, don't be offended. you just need to connect with more folks on facebook, like mom. ;)

  2. i guess i should remind you that more people are seeing your blog posts because of it. so it's not all bad. some people just happen to get confused and think mom is the one writing it. :) you're like her ghost writer.

  3. My comment would be - POST MORE OFTEN! I love seeing your pictures and reading you quirky narrative.

  4. I'm smiling...a lot! My sweetheart's quirky narrative is usually discussing pictures from my camera. So...I guess ghost picture takers are ok then... :)

  5. I LOVE ghost photographers! At least one, anyway!
